Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Happy New Year from Hogwarts!

Happy New Year from Hogwarts!
Over the holidays we visited the Harry Potter Studio Tour at Watford, and as Ron might say, 'It was bloody brilliant!'
We wandered through the Great Hall set up for Christmas, and saw costumes used in the films, then through sound stages J and K (yes, I know!) where we passed the Gryffindor Common Room, the boys' dormitory, Hagrid's house and Dumbledore's study and much more. Fabulous to think that the films were actually shot there over the years.
Only a certain number of people were let in at a time, by ticket, so it was never too crowded.
It's a great place to visit the next time you're looking for a day out!


  1. Oh, sounds wonderful, Jean! Have a happy, healthy and successful New Year.

  2. This looks amazing! Would love to visit here. Happy 2014 to you!

  3. Thanks, Vikki. A very Happy New Year to You too!
